Discovering Noir

Zero-Knowledge Dungeon

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None of your party are happy to learn that the only way to get into the city is through the sewers. But they are unguarded, and even a Watcher's Hound could not smell anything down here. Luckily, this is only the first step in the plan, and finally you step out into an abandoned building.

According to my sources, the Sunshard is being held in a guardhouse to the northeast of here. In the morning, the lords of the city plan to parade it in front of the people before locking it away in the bowels of the armory. We have no time for mistakes.

— Malachi

Easy words to say. But this is Ashenfell, the capital city of Norgard, and possibly the most dangerous place for a mage to be. The streets of Ashenfell have watchers patrolling on every street corner, their beast-like hounds sniffing for any residue of magic. Getting caught here would surely mean death…

Come, it’s time. Move quickly, and keep alert. We cannot afford to be discovered.

— Malachi

Taking a deep breath, you step out onto the shadows of Ashenfell…