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Wintermute Rekt

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You look up at the figure before you. Rektan Harker is a figure of legend. You had only half believed they were real, let alone that you would meet them, but there is no mistaking the famous investigator. Under the wide brim of their hat, an arcane contraption covers one of their eyes, and in a cage hanging from his belt you can see Noir, their frog.

Well done, Guardian. You’ve done well helping me. But there is one more task for which I require your help. You may have hindered The Hundred’s money and transport, but the undead need neither.

— Rektan Harker

As you moor your boat and step off into the city, Rektan fills you in. The last prominent member of The Hundred in Windersail is Lady Whitefrost. She holds her position due to an army of undead zombies mindlessly toiling under her command, needing neither pay nor food.

I have uncovered the secret to breaking Whitefrost’s control over these creatures. With your help, we can free Windersail from her influence once and for all. 

— Rektan Harker

Can this really be true? Are you going to take down a crime boss with none other than the famous Rektan Harker…?