Gas Optimization

Solidity Optimization

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Spell Tuning is an ancient pastime, dating back to the days of Wild Magic. Today, mages all over the kingdom seek to put their skills to the test to prove who has the best mastery of magic.

A few rounds of the game could be just what you need after a long day on the road.

Welcome Guardian! Jain here tells us you’re one of the best. Why don’t you pull up a chair and show us what you can do?

— Luc Strandle

You sit in the empty chair with the other mages. They are clearly excited to have a new opponent. Jain returns and places a tankard of mead in front of each of you.

How’s this for a round of spell tuning, the first one of us to bring their tankard of mead to boiling point wins!

— Luc Strandle

You smile. This is going to be easy…