Thinking in Cairo

Puzzling Pyramids

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Before any Node Guardian can be sent out into the deserts of Cairset, they need to know that they are prepared for the dangers they will face.

The desert is dangerous for the unprepared. It’s time to show me that you can survive the Pyramid of Denh.

— Reathis Greybeard

You and Raethis set out at first light, walking north to the pyramid. A few hours later you arrive at the entrance of the pyramid. Reathis settles down on a nearby boulder to wait for you.

From here you go alone. I’ll be there at the other side to greet you when you escape the maze…

— Reathis Greybeard

You look up at the great doors in front of you, the legendary Pyramid of Denh towering far above your head. You take a deep breath as you enter into the darkness within…