Interactive Fraud Proofs
Part II
A Practical Example: Optimistic Ballads
Let us reinforce our understanding of interactive fraud proofs by studying an optimistic system and playing a real challenge game.
Stories, Steps & Paths
First, we need to invent some fictitious computation we want our optimistic system to emulate.
A story is represented by a bytes32
value. It can be advanced by hashing it with 1 of 5 possible steps: None
, Up
, Down
, Left
, Right
enum Step {
/// @notice Advance a story by taking a step
function takeStep(bytes32 story, Step step) returns (bytes32) {
return keccak256(abi.encode(story, step));
A Path is a sequence of steps (e.g., [Up, Up, Left, ..., Down]
). When a story progresses along a path, it is repeatedly hashed with each step in the path.
/// @notice Advance a story by taking a path
function takePath(
bytes32 story,
Step[] memory path
) returns (bytes32) {
for (uint i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
story = takeStep(story, path[i]);
return story;
Given a story's beginning and a path, computing the story's ending on-chain can be expensive, especially if the path is too long.
Optimistic Stories
wishes to tell a story. But instead of computing the entire story on-chain, BanditBallad
will let an off-chain entity propose the story's ending. Then, any individual is free to dispute the proposed story's ending by initiating a challenge. After 7 days, if no one has successfully disputed the proposed value, the story's ending is assumed to be correct.
The path for the story is given by the following array.
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right,
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right,
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right,
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right,
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right,
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right
Challenge Game
A Challenge
contract is deployed when a challenge is initiated on BanditBallad
. Challenge
is an implementation of the multi-round challenge game we have detailed before, where the challenger and defender agree on a single step to verify on-chain.
The challenger calls
to propose the search space's middle segment.The defender calls
to either agree or disagree with the challenger.Repeating steps 1-2, the challenger and defender will eventually find the earliest step which they disagree on.
At this point, anyone can call
to compute the single step result on-chain, and decide which player is correct.
Your Task
Study BanditBallad
, Challenge
, and Path
. Try to understand how a successful Challenge
can prove that a proposed story's ending is incorrect.
Then, deploy BanditBallad
and initiate a successful challenge!
When BanditBallad
is deployed, it is initialized with an incorrectly proposed ending.
Contract Code
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import "./Challenge.sol";
import "./Path.sol";
contract BanditBallad {
Path public immutable path;
bytes32 public immutable beginning;
bytes32 public ending;
address public proposer;
Challenge public challenge;
uint256 public challengeWindowEnd;
event ChallengeCreated(address challengeAddress);
event ChallengerLoses();
event ChallengerWins();
* @notice Create a new ballad.
* @param _path The path the story should follow.
* @param _proposedEnding The proposed ending of the story.
constructor(Path _path, bytes32 _proposedEnding) {
proposer = msg.sender;
path = _path;
beginning = keccak256("ballad.start");
ending = _proposedEnding;
// Everyone is given 7 days to challenge the proposed ending
challengeWindowEnd = block.timestamp + 7 days;
* @notice Initiate a new challenge
* @param _challengerEnding The challenger's ending
function initiateChallenge(bytes32 _challengerEnding) external {
require(block.timestamp < challengeWindowEnd, "Challenge window over");
require(ending != bytes32(0), "No ending proposed");
// Deploy a challenge contract
challenge = new Challenge(
emit ChallengeCreated(address(challenge));
* @notice Resolve an existing challenge.
* The challenge must be resolveable.
function resolveChallenge() external {
require(address(challenge) != address(0), "No challenge initiated");
Challenge.Result result = challenge.resolve();
if (result == Challenge.Result.DefenderWon) {
// If the challenger loses, do nothing
emit ChallengerLoses();
} else {
// If the challenger wins, the proposed ending is rejected
delete ending;
emit ChallengerWins();
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import "./Path.sol";
contract Challenge {
enum Result {
bytes32 constant NULL = bytes32(0);
uint256 constant TIMEOUT_WINDOW = 12 hours;
address public immutable challenger;
address public immutable defender;
// The stories asserted by the challenger and defender
mapping(uint256 => bytes32) public challengerStory;
mapping(uint256 => bytes32) public defenderStory;
// The path the story should follow
Path public path;
// Binary search boundaries
uint256 L;
uint256 R;
// Latest timestamp before an action time out
uint256 timeout;
* @notice Create a new challenge.
address _challenger,
address _defender,
bytes32 _beginning,
bytes32 _challengerEnding,
bytes32 _defenderEnding,
Path _path
) {
_challengerEnding != _defenderEnding,
"Challenger must disagree with defender"
uint256 numSteps = _path.getNumSteps();
(challenger, defender) = (_challenger, _defender);
(L, R) = (0, numSteps); // The initial search space is [0, numSteps]
// Both parties agree on the story's beginninng
challengerStory[0] = _beginning;
defenderStory[0] = _beginning;
// But disagree on the story's ending
challengerStory[numSteps] = _challengerEnding;
defenderStory[numSteps] = _defenderEnding;
path = _path;
* @notice The challenger proposes what a segment of the story should be.
* The segment to challenge is in the middle of the search space.
* (i.e., between L and R)
function challengeStory(bytes32 story) external {
require(msg.sender == challenger, "msg.sender != challenger");
require(isSearching(), "Binary search finished");
uint256 bisectionStep = getBisectionStep();
require(challengerStory[bisectionStep] == NULL, "Story already challenged");
challengerStory[bisectionStep] = story;
timeout = block.timestamp + TIMEOUT_WINDOW;
// In the real world, the defender is an off-chain entity.
// For this quest, the defender is simulated by an on-chain contract.
* @notice The defender responds to the challenger.
* Either agreeing with the challenger, and moving the search right,
* Or disagreeing with the challenger, and moving the search left.
function defendStory(bytes32 story) external {
require(msg.sender == defender, "msg.sender != defender");
require(isSearching(), "Binary search finished");
uint256 bisectionStep = getBisectionStep();
require(challengerStory[bisectionStep] != NULL, "Story not challenged");
require(defenderStory[bisectionStep] == NULL, "Story already defended");
defenderStory[bisectionStep] = story;
timeout = block.timestamp + TIMEOUT_WINDOW;
// Update binary search bounds
if (challengerStory[bisectionStep] == defenderStory[bisectionStep]) {
L = bisectionStep; // Agree
} else {
R = bisectionStep; // Disagree
* @notice Returns the result of the challenge.
* The challenge must be resolveable, either by timeout or verification.
function resolve() external view returns (Result) {
// If binary search not finished, check for timeout
if (isSearching()) {
require(block.timestamp > timeout, "Binary search still ongoing");
uint256 bisectionStep = getBisectionStep();
if (challengerStory[bisectionStep] == NULL) {
// Challenger timed out, Defender won
return Result.DefenderWon;
} else {
// Defender timed out, Challenger won
return Result.ChallengerWon;
// Else, binary search finished, verify single step
bytes32 nextStory = path.step(defenderStory[L], L);
if (nextStory == defenderStory[R]) {
return Result.DefenderWon;
} else {
return Result.ChallengerWon;
* @notice Returns true if binary search is still ongoing.
* Returns false otherwise.
function isSearching() public view returns (bool) {
return L + 1 != R;
* @notice Returns the middle index in the search space.
* (i.e., between L and R)
function getBisectionStep() public view returns (uint256) {
return (L + R) / 2;
* @notice Triggers the defender to respond to the challenger.
* In the real world, the defender is an off-chain entity.
* But for this quest, we automate the defender as an on-chain contract.
function _simulateDefender() private {
(bool success, ) ="");
require(success, "defender failed");
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
contract Path {
enum Step {
Step[] public steps;
constructor(Step[] memory _steps) {
steps = _steps;
/// @notice Advances a story forward by one step.
function step(bytes32 _story, uint256 _stepNumber)
returns (bytes32 nextStory)
return keccak256(abi.encode(_story, steps[_stepNumber]));
/// @notice Return the length of the path (i.e., number of steps).
function getNumSteps() external view returns (uint256) {
return steps.length;
In truth, the Bandit King was an honorable hero, not keeping a single penny he stole. So poor that he could not save his sick wife.